Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Our Heros: GOP Governors Rejects State Run Exchanges


Let’s dispense with the obvious: President Obama’s second term will be foremost about higher taxes and greater spending, i.e., the fiscal cliff followed by lifting the debt ceiling. 

Due to political gridlock, this administration’s real efforts will be devoted to fine-tuning regulations designed to go around Congress. 

Most voters understand that a second Obama term means the continuation of Obamacare tax and the Dodd-Frank financial regulations.  HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will attempt to use Obamacare tax as a slush fund to continue spending.

One of the ways Obamacare tax can be implemented is by getting the states to implement the exchanges.  If the states refuse to implement the healthcare exchange, the federal government must do it.  At this time, the federal government has not budgeted for implementing the exchanges.  They need the states to do it. They will have to go back to Congress to request more money.  If our Republican House holds firm and not approve the debt limit and additional spending  the governors will be a stopgap for the successful implementation of Obamacare.  

Our Republican Governors are protecting the sovereignty of the states
 Our Republican Governors are attempting to protect the sovereignty of the states. One of the strategies governors across the nation have used to oppose the Affordable Care Act is to force the federal government to run the exchanges. 

When the Obamacare tax  is implemented, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will own the states, businesses, and all of us by implementing the egregious regulations and fees of the jobs killing, Obamacare tax .  We will become her Subjects.

Read the original 2,700 pages and the additional regulations being written to implement the bill.  

Facts you should know according to Cato’s Michael Cannon: 
  1. A state-created exchange is not a state-controlled exchange. All exchanges will be controlled by Washington.
  2. Congress has authorized no funds for federal “fallback” exchanges. So Washington may not be able to impose Exchanges on states at all.
  3. The Obama administration has yet to provide crucial information that states need before they can make an informed decision. 
  4. Creating an exchange sets state officials up to take the blame when Obamacare increases insurance premiums and denies care to the sick. State officials won’t want their names on this disastrous mess.

All Republican governors are fighting for us while John Boehner is appearing to capitulate.  I pray that I’m wrong about Boehner.

~Brought to you by:  CharlottePAC.org

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