Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pastors, Apostles, Bishops, Priests and Rabbis, Where Did You Hide Your Moral Clarity?

LBJ's Great Unjust Society: The Tax Code Undermines Churches and Synagogues

There are some great moral leaders in our nation, but there are some who have SOLD-OUT!  Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for a sum of 30 pieces of silver.  How many of our moral leaders have sold out on their members to the federal government for a sum of the tax-exempt (501c3) status?

For too long and too often Pastors, Apostles, Bishops, Priests and Rabbis have not spoken out strongly enough about public issues for fear of “jeopardizing” the Church’s tax-exempt (501c3) status.  

The truth is, in practice, it is almost impossible for Pastors, Apostles, Bishops, Priests and Rabbis to face a real risk of losing their tax status over standing up against political issues which robs the Church of its ability to teach its members to get involved in the electoral process.  Why do I say this?  The majority of Americans (76% to 81%) identify themselves as Christians, yet, less than 42% vote, but, are the first to complain about the state of our nation.

In fact, I have been doing the research, and I am not aware of a single case in the United States of a Church losing its tax status over attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government,

Now, there is no guarantee that the Pastors, Apostles, Bishops, Priests and Rabbis will be freed from harassment. 

As a result, most Pastors Apostles, Bishops, Priests and Rabbis are not teaching their members to resist evil and to identify the source of evil.  When Satan shows his ugly head and is booed from a Party’s platform, and Pastors still find reasons to make excuses for them….”IT’s ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.

Pastors Apostles, Bishops, Priests and Rabbis, whatever the cost, the price of freedom is never too high for those for whom freedom and life are synonymous. If you choose to be free, to live as an independent individual, it will be the most costly, difficult, and risky thing you ever do.

The most valuable thing in life, the most precious of all possessions, cannot be achieved or acquired cheaply or easily. If you want something cheap, easy, and safe, settle it in your mind, individual liberty is the one thing you will never have; but if it is ease, security, and safety you seek, it is not freedom you want anyway.

When Pastors, Apostles, Bishops, Priests and Rabbis ‘grow a couple’ and take a stand for righteousness whatever the cost, they can lead the revolution for in our nations.
But, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance," ~Thomas Jefferson.

Today, the family system of life is a major issue in the Devil's warfare against God's design for a fulfilling human relationship. When Pastors teach their members to resist evil and to identify the source of evil, we will see fewer and fewer of our young men being incarcerated, young girls are overwhelmingly becoming impregnated.  Young people are searching for a father figure.  

Most of them have access to their mothers while those fathers found it easier to stop being fathers. Once our federal government imposed its will on our Pastors, Apostles, Bishops, Priests and Rabbis through the tax-exempt (501c3) status, moral leadership declined. 

God is not pleased, and America is beginning to feel the wrath as a result of this lack of leadership.

"But you must remember, my fellow-citizens, that eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty, and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing. It behooves you, therefore, to be watchful in your States as well as in the Federal Government." -- Andrew Jackson, Farewell Address, March 4, 1837

For my Patriot friends who love their ‘guns and bible,’ talk to your Pastors, Apostles, Bishops, Priests or Rabbis and tell them that it is the common fate of the apathetic to see their rights become the laughingstock of the active, and the ones laughing encompasses only 24 to 19% of the population. But, they work unceasingly. They lose, reload and regroup!  

As Zoe said, "There's gonna be some Pastors cursing in tongues at him"  I say, "do your cursing, and put some skin in this game for our nation...starting TODAY!" A church’s right to speak out on controversial issues, which may cross the line into prohibited political activity, is protected by the First Amendment, anyway. 

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