Monday, November 12, 2012

The Real Reason Petraeus Resigned!

NOVEMBER 10, 2012 BY  

"It was just a coincidence that the attack on the Benghazi consulate occurred on the anniversary of 9/11. We were told that it was really a “protest turned violent” over an anti-Islam video that had exactly seventeen views on YouTube, being uploaded two months before, averaging less than one view per day."

CIA director David Petraeus towed the party line and parroted this ludicrous YouTube story, backing up Obama in testimony to Congress.

At least until we found out that there was no protest.

At least until we found out that Obama had known it was a terrorist act in less than an hour with emails going directly to the White House Situation Room.

At least until we found out that the Obama administration had a live drone feed of the entire seven hour attack.

Then we found out the two former SEALS and then CIA operatives Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were told to repeatedly “stand down” and not help Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other Americans. But they disobeyed a direct order and went anyway, saving over twenty Americans, but paying with their lives.

Petraeus towed the party line with the video but refused to fall on the sword and say the CIA gave this stand down order, thus implicating that it was Obama who had denied help to both the consulate and CIA annex which later came under attack.

And when you cross a Chicago thug like Obama, payback is swift and lethal.

Petraeus needed to be taken out—but after the election—and before he was scheduled to testify under oath this time to Congress about what he knew about Benghazi.

Petraeus’ resignation had nothing to do with an affair. In fact, the affair had been over for months. The FBI had been investigating literally thousands of emails that Petraeus had sent to his former paramour, biographer Paula Broadwell, for longer than that and could have dropped the guillotine months before if they wanted to.

It was rather about paybacks and keeping the American people in the dark about the real reason Petraeus had to be kept quiet about Benghazi: gunrunning. Gunrunning of tens of thousands of Libyan weapons to the al-Qaeda-linked Syrian rebels.

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