Friday, November 9, 2012

Conservatives? Time to stop the whining. Tuesday was the siege of Charleston.

November 9, 2012

By ROBERT LAURIE - We're better than the crybaby routine 
On April 2nd 1780, British Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton led an overwhelming force as it lay siege to the city of Charleston, South Carolina.  The ensuing violence lasted 40 days.  When it was over, 5,200 Continental troops had been captured, 92 were killed, and 148 were wounded.  The city was lost.  It would go down in history as the worst U.S. defeat of the Revolutionary War.
As news of the loss spread, Americans complained that war was hard, there was no way to win, and that Liberty just wasn’t worth the hassle.  So, they surrendered and we remain English to this day.
Oh wait…that’s not what happened, is it.
No.  They licked their wounds, put on their big boy pants, and took it to the Brits with such fury that, a couple of years later, the enemy signed the Treaty of Paris.
For conservatives, Election Night was the siege of Charleston.
Unfortunately, for the last two days, the whiners have taken over the narrative.  Instead of getting angry, and re-engaging in the political battle, the people who should be fighting the hardest are moping around feeling sorry for themselves.
“America is doomed,” They say. “We’ve lost it all.  In four years you won’t recognize the place. We’ve been beaten by Mad King Obama!”
Please, just stop. We're better than this.
Believe me when I tell you that I understand the sting of losing.  We all do. As I pointed out yesterday, The United States finds itself in a dangerous spot, on very shaky footing. The country, as we know and love it, took a very hard hit Tuesday. 

With that as a starting point, the fact that our constitutional ideals have become harder to defend does not mean we stop trying. Yes, because of Obama’s re-election he has four more years to try and stamp us out.  He’s made it quite clear that the Constitution is an obstacle, and there’s no doubt he’ll attempt to weasel his way around it at every opportunity. 
However, if we simply sit back and wring our hands rather than fight, he’ll have free reign. If we weren’t willing to give that to him on Monday, why are so many ready to admit defeat and hand it over now?
Somehow, conservatives got it into their heads that Election Night was going to be our last battle.  We were going to win, liberalism would go away, and we’d be a nation of strict constructionists.
That was never the case.  If you thought so, you were really kidding yourselves. This fight never ends, and it would have been no different had Romney been elected.
Now, we can do one of two things.  Either we run away with our tails between our legs, or we fight like we’ve been backed into a corner.  Personally, I’ve never been big on the whole “whipped dog” routine, so I choose to fight.
We still have the House, we still have the new media, we still have talk radio, and we still have our voices.
You want to give up?  Fine.  The rest of us will carry on without you.
If you’re tough enough to keep going, cut the crybaby act and saddle up.  We have work to do.
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