While you were not paying attention, the President was granted additional powers. Just what are those extraordinary powers? Listen to the video and find out.
Judge Andrew Napolitano explains in this video the
reality of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The act was signed a year ago by President
Barack Obama. The NDAA authorizes the military to detain even US citizens
under the broad new anti-terrorism provisions provided in the bill, without trial, and probably not just on foreign soil. Less you think this law does not apply to you, it is still not clear whether the President may detain U.S. citizens on US soil. Why, detaining Americans on American soil should not even be in question. Who decides whether you may be labeled a terrorist or not? The President. What justification does he need to prove you are a terrorist? None given so far.
I broke out in a cold sweat when I heard the judge explain the
new powers of the President. Listen for yourself and you be the judge.
The National Defense Authorization Act greatly
expands the power and scope of the federal government to fight the War on
Terror, including codifying into law the indefinite detention of terrorism
suspects without trial. Under the new law the US military has the power to
carry out domestic anti-terrorism operations on US soil.
This would be unbelievable were it not for the fact that most American Constitutionalists see almost Everything this POTUS, has done in concert with a band of socialists, outright Communists, and the vile likes of George Soros--that everything this sewage of mankind has done is of the same caliber.
ReplyDeleteWhat is pathetic is that if you speak to almost any Obama voter, they not only wouldn't give a R's Ass what we do to our own citizens, but they have ZERO idea about how wealth is created, how a free market works, how our country was begun, how our Constitution guarantees us all the same rights and freedoms, and/or why people flocked to this country for well over two centuries to escape from the very tyrrany this administration is imposing on us all today.
Oh, and here's a little info for all Charlottepac readers: I was one of hundreds of people who signed petitions to the Whitehouse.gov website in favor of my state seceding from this Federal govt. The response back: Here's the reaction from someone at the oval office or someone outside posting another petition. This is rich. I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this: http://redflagnews.com/headlines/war-new-petition-to-strip-us-citizenship-from-and-exile-secession-signers?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook